Help the Environment & Your Bank Account with These Water Saving Tips


You don’t have to take gigantic, grand steps to help the environment. If you want to purchase new, water and energy efficient appliances, that’s great. If you want to plant a thousand trees, go for it. However, you can have a significant impact on the environment just by making small changes in your own home.

Many of the changes that you can make to help the environment will also save you money. It’s a major win-win. We’re going to share with you some easy ways that you can conserve water, conserve your pipes, and will lower your water bill while helping to save the planet.

Modernize Your Bathroom With Low Flushing Toilets

Some bathroom plumbing upgrades are a bit more costly than others, but even replacing your toilets won’t break the bank. Low flush toilets are a smart way to conserve because they use less water in each flush than older toilets. Some even come with a dual-flush mode, so you use about half as much water for liquid waste as you do for solid waste.

The original low flush toilets didn’t work as well as conservationists hoped. They struggled to wash away solid waste, so homeowners had to flush multiple times, which resulted in an overall increase in water consumption.

Newer models do a better job of using water pressure and gravity to whisk away waste. Many have larger flush valves (the spot where the water leaves the tank to go to the bowl), so the water can rush out quicker. That, plus better glaze on the toilets interior and pipes do a better job of washing away waste.

Check For Efficient Shower Faucets

Leaky shower faucets are not only annoying to you, but they’re also wasteful. If your showerhead is consistently wet, or there’s always a puddle on your shower floor, you should consider replacing your fixture.

Small leaks can add up quickly, but so can small water reductions. Many companies sell more efficient fixtures that use less water than older showerheads.

Even a slight decrease can save you a noticeable sum of money over time. Anything that flows with less than two gallons-per-minute is marketed as water efficient and would be a smart bathroom plumbing choice for your home.

Showerheads are the second highest water user in a home, so any reduction you can make, with a more efficient fixture or by shortening your time in the shower, will add up to big environmental and financial benefits over time.

Don’t Ignore Leaking Pipes

A leaky pipe is one of the more insidious water wasters because it’s much harder to track down than a leaky faucet. The faucet is obvious, but often pipe leaks are hidden from sight.

Unchecked leaks can waste thousands of gallons of water each year. Wouldn’t you rather use that water for something more valuable like drinking, laundry, showering, or gardening?

If you suspect that you have a leak, but you don’t know for sure, try this trick: check your water meter and then don’t run any water in your house for a few hours. Recheck your meter, and if the number has gone up, you have a leak.

Toilets are a common source for leaks, but it can be hard to track down exactly which part is leaking. If you’re not sure where to search for the leak, contact a professional. The longer you leave a leak unchecked, the more damage it’s going to cause.

A small leak can turn into a big problem, so make an appointment to have your house checked if you suspect that you have one. The environment and your wallet will be much healthier if you’re able to reduce your water consumption.

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