Keep Your Home Free From Pet Plumbing Disasters

Pet Owners Plumbing Tips

It is very important to stay on top of the plumbing in the home, especially when you have a pet. Cats and dogs can cause plumbing problems due to their fur and other issues.

Little Rock, AZ drain_cleaning_servicesThey can also get into the drains and the pipes in ways that could cause clogging or leakage. You have to watch your pets when it comes to the plumbing of your Little Rock home.

For one thing, clogs and other problems are annoying at best and can be quite frightening at worst. The following tips will help you avoid these situations so that you can have smooth flowing water in your Little Rock home.

Strain the Drain

When it comes to dealing with your pets in the tub, this is a fast way to cause your tub to drain due to all the shedding that occurs with bathing your dog and cat.

As a matter of fact, your drain could clog while you are giving your dog a bath. There is a way to prevent this. You can put a strain in the bathtub drain so that you can avoid any problems with the water flow. The strain with stop any hair from going down the drain.

Flush Carefully

Pretty much anything you flush down the toilet can cause clogging due to the texture of the material. The only thing that is safe to flush down the toilet is toilet paper.

Other items like cat litter should be disposed of in the trash can. Even with the label of ‘flushable’, it is better to put the cat litter in the trash. Any other pet items should be kept from the toilet. Also, make sure that the dog or cat does not have easy access to the toilet.

Pipes and Drains Should be Hidden

Cats and dogs love to chew on things. One of the things you can do is to get a chew toy for the dog or cat. However, that might not stop them from going for the drain.

Another option is to make sure the pipes and drains are covered. They should be covered anyway. If there is any exposure to the drains, then action must be immediate for covering the drains. When an animal gets a hold of the pipes and drains that can cause a problem in the plumbing.

Another tip is to make sure that the cats and dogs have clean water to drink at all times so that they don’t seek out other sources to drink from. Among the common alternate sources of water are toilets. As the dog or cat drinks from the toilet bowl, this he could lose some hair into the water.

Don’t let your fluffy pup clog up your drain! If you need drain cleaning in your Little Rock, AR home call Arrow Plumbing at (501) 753-3838 today!

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